fruitful: adj.1.果实累累的,多产的;肥沃的;丰饶的。2.效果好的,收益多的。短语和例子a session fruitful in great measures 重要议案多的议会。 a fruitful occupation 收入多的职业。 a fruitful vine 结得多的葡萄;多产的女人。adv.-ly ,-ness n.
It was a fruitful meeting ; we made three important decisions 这是个卓有成效的会议,我们作了三项重大的决定。
I and the organizing committee look forward to a fruitful meeting of minds at the symposium towards the common goals of clean government and honest business environment as well as turning the challenges of information technology advancement into opportunities 本人与筹委会期望在国际研讨会上,和与会者同心协力,把握先进资讯科技的机遇,消弥它带来的威胁,并值此推展廉洁政府和诚信商业活动的目标。